The jury members (which we re mind you is not a permanent body) are as follows:
Yuri Grigorovich, Chaiman;
Jose Antonio,Director of the Spain National Ballet;
Davide Bombana, choreographer (Italy);
Philippe Cohen,Artistic Director of Ballet de Grand Theatre de Geneve (Switzerland)
Ying Feng, Director and Artistic Director of the National Ballet of China;
Sergei Filin, Artistic Director of Ballet of the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia
Krzysztof Pastor,Artistic Director of the Polish National Bаllet;
Pedro Pablo Pena, Founder and Director of the International Ballet festival of Miami (USA).
On 24 May the prizewinners will be announced at the award-giving ceremony which will wind up with a gala (charity) concert of Benois 2011prizewinners.
As per tradition, on the following day 25 May, there will be a second concert at which Benois prizewinners of previous years will join their Benois 2010 colleagues.