Eifman Ballet on the Historic Stage of the Bolshoi Theatre16.07.2017
Six performances, thirteen shows! All they will took place in the sanctuary of the ballet theatre - on the Historic stage of the Bolshoi Theatre. The tour program is impressive - four performances which interpret the view of the choreographer and his artists on the outstanding works of Russian and world literature. Heroes of Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Francis Scott Fitzgerald will reveal passions that control them; they will fall down from the summits to the gloomy depths and will find themselves beyond the sin. Performed by virtuosic dancers of Boris Eifman Ballet, these passions dazzle everyone, no matter from what side of the ramp they are. In two other ballets the main characters are historical figures - Auguste Rodin, Camille Claudel, Catherine II and Paul I – the people who experienced all the immense of human passions and looked beyond good and evil. ![]()