In the title part in Giselle. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
In the title part in Giselle. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Marie in Nutcracker. Dmitri Gudanov as Prince. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Marie in Nutcracker. Dmitri Gudanov as Prince. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Odile in Swan Lake. Artem Ovcharenko as Prince Siegfried.Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Odile in Swan Lake. Artem Ovcharenko as Prince Siegfried.
Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Odette in Swan Lake. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Odette in Swan Lake. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Mireille de Poitiers/ Armida in The Flames of Paris. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Mireille de Poitiers/ Armida in The Flames of Paris. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
In the title part in Anyuta.Mikhail Lobukhin as Artynov.Photo by Damir Yusupov.
In the title part in Anyuta.
Mikhail Lobukhin as Artynov.
Photo by Damir Yusupov.
Classical Symphony. Opposite Semon Chudin. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
Classical Symphony. Opposite Semon Chudin. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
In the leading part in Rubies. Opposite Artur Mkrtchyan. Photo by Mikhail Logvinov
In the leading part in Rubies. Opposite Artur Mkrtchyan. Photo by Mikhail Logvinov
As Polyhymnia in Apollon Musagète. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Polyhymnia in Apollon Musagète. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Olga in Onegin. Artem Ovcharenko as Lensky. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Olga in Onegin. Artem Ovcharenko as Lensky. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Dulcinea (Kitri) in Don Quixote. Alexei Loparevich as Don Q. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Dulcinea (Kitri) in Don Quixote. Alexei Loparevich as Don Q. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Kitri in Don Quixote. Igor Tsvirko as Basilio. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Kitri in Don Quixote. Igor Tsvirko as Basilio. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Angela in Marco Spada. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Angela in Marco Spada. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Marchesa Sampietri in Marco Spada. Andrei Merkuriev as Count Pepinelli.Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Marchesa Sampietri in Marco Spada. Andrei Merkuriev as Count Pepinelli.
Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Katharina in The Taming of the Shrew. Denis Savin as Petruchio. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Katharina in The Taming of the Shrew. Denis Savin as Petruchio. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Florine in Lost Illusions. Evgenia Obraztsova as Coralie.Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Florine in Lost Illusions. Evgenia Obraztsova as Coralie.
Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Vera in A Hero of our Time. Princess Mary. Svetlana Zakharova as Princess Mary.Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Vera in A Hero of our Time. Princess Mary. Svetlana Zakharova as Princess Mary.
Photo by Damir Yusupov.
Russian Seasons. 'Couple in Green'. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
Russian Seasons. 'Couple in Green'. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. Semyon Chudin as Romeo. Photo by Mikhail Logvinov.
As Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. Semyon Chudin as Romeo. Photo by Mikhail Logvinov.
As Anna Karenina. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Anna Karenina. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Anna Karenina. Artemy Belyakov as Vronsky. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Anna Karenina. Artemy Belyakov as Vronsky. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Paulina in The Winter’s Tale. Yuri Ostrovsky as Antigonus. Photo by Pavel Rychkov.
As Paulina in The Winter’s Tale. Yuri Ostrovsky as Antigonus. Photo by Pavel Rychkov.

Nearest performances

Anyuta 11 February
The Seagull 6 March


2003 — the youth grant of the Triumph prize.
2004 — 2nd prize at the All-Russia Yuri Grigorovich Festival Young Ballet of Russia (Krasnodar).
2006 — 1st prize at the Young Ballet of the World (Sochi) and the Ballet magazine Soul of Dance prize (in the Rising Star category)
2014 — she was chosen among “25 to watch” by Dance Magazine; The International Ballet Festival Dance Open Prize in Miss Virtuosity nomination.



Born in Orel. In 2002 she graduated from the Bolshoi BalletAcademy (classes of Lyudmila Kolenchenko, Marina Leonova, Elena Bobrova) and joined the Kremlin Ballet Theater, where she danced the leading parts:

(Giselle by A. Adam; choreography by J. Coralli, J. Perrot, M. Petipa, A. Petrov)
Odette-Odile (Swan Lake; choreography by A. Gorsky, M. Petipa, L. Ivanov, A. Messerer, A. Petrov)
Marie (Nutcracker by P. Tchaikovsky, choreography by A. Petrov)
Kitri (Don Quixote by L.Minkus, choreography by A. Gorsky, production by V. Vasiliev)
Emmy Lawrence (Tom Sawyer by P. Ovsyannikov, choreography by A. Petrov)
Naina (Ruslan and Ludmila by V. Agafonnikov, choreography by A. Petrov)
Princess Florina, Princess Aurora (The Sleeping Beauty by P.Tchaikovsky, choreography by M. Petipa, A. Petrov)
Esmeralda (La Esmeralda by C. Pugni, R. Drigo, choreography by A. Petrov)
Susanna (Figaro to music by W.A. Mozart and G. Rossini, choreography by A. Petrov)

She became the constant participant of the Russian Seasons of the XXI century project, initiated by the Charity foundation n.a. Maris Liepa, the company SAV Entertainment and the Kremlin Ballet Theatre. She appeared in the parts of the Firebird (The Firebird by I. Stravinsky, after M. Fokine, revived by A. Liepa), Tamar (Tamar by M. Balakirev, staged by A. Liepa, Y. Smoriginas).

In 2007, she danced Gulnare in Le Corsaire by A. Adam (choreography by M. Petipa, K. Sergeyev) and Lilac Fairy together with the ballet company of the Tatar State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet within the framework of the International Rudolf Nureyev Festival of Classical Ballet (Kazan).

In 2008, she appeared in the part of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain at the first night performance of The Tale of the Stone Flower by S. Prokofiev at the Yekaterinburg State Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet (choreography by A. Petrov).

In 2010, she took the position of a principal dancer at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Music Theatre. There she danced Queen of dryads, Kitri (Don Quixote, choreography by A. Gorsky, A Tchitchinadze), Odette/Odile (Swan Lake, choreography by L. Ivanov, V. P. Burmeister), Esmeralda (C. Pugni’s La Esmeralda; choreography by V. Burmeister)

In the season of 2011/12 she joined the Bolshoi Ballet Company.
Her teacher-repetiteur is Nina Semizorova.



Queen of Dryads (Don Quixote by L.Minkus, choreography by M. Petipa, A. Gorsky, A. Fadeechev's version)
Giselle (Giselle by A. Adam, choreography by J. Coralli, J. Perrot, M.Petipa, Y. Grigorovich's version)
Marie (Nutcracker by P. Tchaikovsky, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)

Odette-Odile (Swan Lake by P. Tchaikovsky in the 2nd version by Y. Grigorovich)
Soloist (Cinque to music by A. Vivaldi, choreography by M. Bigonzetti)
Slaves dance (Le Corsaire by A. Adam, production and new choreography by A. Ratmansky and Y. Burlaka after M. Petipa)
Mireille de Poitiers (B. Asafiev’s The Flames of Paris, production and new choreography by A. Ratmansky after V. Vainonen)
Anyuta (Anyuta to music by V. Gavrilin, choreography by V.Vasiliev)
Duet (Dream of Dream to music of S. Rachmaninov, choreography by J. Elo)
The Leading Couple (Classical Symphony to music by S. Prokofiev, choreography by Y. Possokhov)
Ramze (C. Pugni’s La Fille du Pharaon, P. Lacotte production after Petipa)
The Leading Couple in Rubies (Part II of Jewels to music by I. Stransky, choreography by G. Balanchine)
Polyhymnia (Apollon Musagète by I. Stravinsky, choreography by G. Balanchine)
Sponge-in-Chief (Moidodyr by E. Podgayts, choreography by Y. Smekalov)

(La Bayadere by L. Minkus, choreography by M. Petipa, Y. Grigorovich’s version)
Gulnare (Le Corsaire)
Stove, Waltz, Vacuum Cleaners (Kvartira, music by Fleshquartet, choreography by M. Ek)
Olga, Tatiana (Onegin to music by P. Tchaikovsky, choreography by J. Cranko)
Friend/friends to the Prince (Swan Lake) — debuted on the Bolshoi tour to London
Kitri (Don Quixote)
Angela, Marchesa Sampietri (Marco Spada by D.-F.-E. Auber, P. Lacotte’s production)
Swanilda (Coppelia by L. Delibes, choreography by M. Petipa and E. Cecchetti; revival and new choreographic version by S. Vikharev)

Prudence Duvernoy
(creation at the Bolshoi Theatre), Manon Lescaut (Lady of the Camellias to music by F. Chopin, choreography by J. Neumeier)
Ballerina (D. Shostakovich’s The Bright Stream, choreography by . A. Ratmansky)
Jeanne (The Flames of Paris)
Katharina (The Taming of the Shrew to music by D. Shostakovich, choreography by J.-Ch. Maillot)

(L. Desyatnikov’s Lost Illusions , choreography by A. Ratmansky)
Two Leading Couples in Emeralds (Part I of Jewels to music by G. Faure, choreography by G. Balanchine) — debuted on the Bolshoi tour to Hong Kong
(A Hero of Our Time by I. Demutsky, Princess Mary part, choreography by Y. Possokhov, director K. Serebrennikov) — creation
The Couple in Green
(Russian Seasons to music by L. Desyatnikov, choreography by A. Ratmansky)

Fairy of Diamonds
(The Sleeping Beauty)
Part in Short time together to music by M. Richter and L. van Beethoven (choreography by by P. Lightfoot and S. León)
Margo (Nureyev by I. Demutsky, choreography by Y. Possokhov, director K. Serebrennikov)

(S. Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet, choreography by A. Ratmansky)
The title part (Anna Karenina to music by P. Tchaikovsky, A. Shnitke, Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam, choreography by J. Neumeier)

(creation at the Bolshoi Theatre), Hermione (The Winter’s Tale by J. Talbot, choreography by Ch.Wheeldon)
Soloist Part 4, Soloist Part 3 (Symphony in Cto music by G. Bizet, choreography by G. Balanchine)


During her time at the BOLSHOI

2014 — she performed the title part in Anyuta with the Samara Opera and Ballet Theatre Company in the framework of XIV Classical Ballet Festival named after Alla Shelest.
2015 – she appeared as Kitri in Don Quixote (M. Messerer’s version) with the Mikhailovsky Theatre Ballet Company (Ivan Vasiliev as Basilio).

All in group