Born in Kiev in 1890, Vaslav Nijinsky was the second son of
Thomas Laurentiyevich
Nijinsky and Eleonora Bereda;
both his parents were
celebrated dancers, and his
father in particular was famous
for his virtuosity and
enormous leaps. The Nijinskys
had their own dance company
and performed throughout the
Russian Empire. Nijinsky’s
childhood was mostly spent in
the Caucasus, where he danced
as a small child with his brother
Stanislav and his little sister
Bronislawa. His father, noticing
the child’s great disposition for
dancing, gave him his first
At the age of nine, Nijinsky entered the Imperial School of
Dancing in St. Petersburg,
where his teachers, the foremost
of the time, soon discovered his
extraordinary talent. When he
was 16 years old, they urged him
to graduate and enter the
Mariinsky Theatre. Nijinsky
declined, preferring to fulfill the
customary period of study. At the
time he already had been heralded
as the “eighth wonder of the
world” and the “Vestris of the
North”. During his school years
he appeared at the Mariinsky
Theatre, first as a member of the
corps de ballet, later in small
Nijinsky was graduated in the spring of 1907 and on July 14,
1907, joined the Mariinsky
Theatre as a soloist. His first
appearance was in the ballet
La Source with the Russian
ballerina Julia Sedova as his
partner; the public and the ballet
critics burst out immediately in wild
enthusiasm. As danseur noble, he
danced all of the leading parts at
the Mariinsky Theatre and at the
Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, where
he was a guest performer. His
success was
In 1909 Sergey Diaghilev, former assistant to the administrator of the
Imperial Theatres, was
commissioned by the grand duke
Vladimir to organize a ballet
company of the members of the
Mariinsky and Bolshoi theatres.
Diaghilev decided to take the
company to Paris in the spring and
asked Nijinsky to join as principal
dancer. Its first performance was on
May 17, 1909, at the Theatre du
Chatelet. Nijinsky took Paris by
storm. The expression and beauty
of his body, his featherweight
lightness and steel-like strength, his
great elevation and incredible gift
of rising and seeming to remain in
the air, and his extraordinary
virtuosity and dramatic acting made
him a genius of the
In 1912 he began his career as a choreographer. He created for
Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes the
ballets L’Aprés-midi d’un
faune, Jeux, and Le
Sacre du printemps. Till
Eulenspiegel was produced in
the United States without
Diaghilev’s personal supervision.
His work in the field of
choreography was generally
considered daringly
In 1919, at the age of 29, Nijinsky
retired from the stage, owing to a
nervous breakdown, which was
diagnosed as schizophrenia. He
lived from 1919 until 1950 in
Switzerland, France, and England,
and died in London in 1950.
Nijinsky is buried next to Auguste
Vestris in the cemetery of
Montmartre in